Thursday, 31 March 2016

News Just In

Today we learnt how to share our news in news groups. 

First we walk around the class while Miss Derhamy counts down. Then we choose our news partners and sit down with our knees touching. This is so we are always facing each other no matter how many people are in our group and so our voices will reach each other. 

Then we decide who is going to share first. If the news sharer stops talking we can encourage them to share more by asking them to "Tell us more!"  or by asking them a question. Once they have shared we can make a comment and then it's the next persons turn to share news. 

Miss Derhamy then asks us to walk around the class while she counts down and to find new friends to share our news with. 

Thank you Mrs Browne for showing Miss Derhamy this fun way of sharing news in the morning.

News News News

We love sharing our news in the morning and we are getting really good at it. We have been learning how to talk about our news in detail. Sometimes our news gives Miss Derhamy lesson ideas. Here are some photos of us sharing our news.

Making our animal costumes for assembly.

We brainstormed lots of animals and then chose our 4 favourites: horses, dogs, cows and chickens. We looked at photos of the 4 animals and chose one unique feature which would stand out at assembly. Here we are making our animal costumes.

Counting Animals

Here we are adding our farm animals. It is fun pretending to be farmers and doing maths. Pretending helps us learn.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Getting ready for Assembly & Counting Animals

On Monday the year 1 team are hosting the school Assembly. 

Our class has decided that we would like to show the school how we have been learning to count animals. In maths we have been pretending to be farmers and have been adding our toy animals and counting them. 

Last week Elizabeth made a witch hat at home (in response to the "Witch in the Cherry Tree") and shared it at news time. It was fun pretending to be a witch and having a hat helped Elizabeth stay in the character of "Witchlet". 

 This gave us the idea that maybe having a farmers hat would help us pretend to be farmers and help us count animals. 

We explored how we could make hats out of cardboard. The first hat Miss Derhamy made was too floppy and the brim came down into Emma's eyes. 

She decided to try again with thicker cardboard that was less floppy. Miss Derhamy changed the design and it worked. We followed her instructions and worked in groups of three to construct our farmers hats. Tomorrow we are going to design and make costumes for the farm animals. 

Library Time with our Buddy Class

Last week Mrs Parkinson and our buddy class R23 invited us to share their Library time.

We love going to the library with them on Wednesday. We learnt out buddies names and we read books together. Our big buddies were really good at reading the pictures which is our favourite way of reading picture books.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Football Clinic

In week 5 the Football clinic showed us some of the fun games that they play after school. They taught us how to play traffic lights and shark attack. 

Welcome to Room 8 ~ 2016

In Room 8 we love to study words. We study words in our class poems and we study words in our readers. We study words here; we study words there; we study words everywhere!

We are learning to recognise sight words quickly, like they are our best friends, and we are learning how to write them too. Already this year we have studied the words ‘I, am, me, can, look, at, see, my, and here’. Last week Emma had a great idea. She said we could write words with our bodies. So we went outside and wrote the word of the week ‘here’

Looking back at 2015 - Room 8

Photos of last year will be published here for the kids to refer to.