Friday, 30 March 2012

This week

We have been working really hard on our manners and how we behave in the classroom!!
Please check out our new marble jar reward charts both individual and a large class one.
The idea is that as a class we can work towards a shared lunch and individually they are all working towards their own goals.
In their pocket will also be any notices they have missed and and extra things I would like them to do.
Please only look in your childs pocket as these are private to each child . We have discussed this in class and it goes along with our respect theme. 

On Wednesday of this week we went to Tiritiri Matangi what a fantastic trip.
This is a really beautiful place, the children heard and saw many different birds and saw lots of land forms.

Check out the photos!! 


  1. What a lovely day,Tommy and I really enjoyed it.Great photos too!!

  2. Oh my gosh what fantastic photos - thankyou for sharing them I know Miki had a wonderful experiance! Carlene

    It was very very fun there and my favourite bird was the takahi (Greg) and the bell bird. Mikayla
