Sunday, 8 May 2016

School Banana Pikelets

On Friday, using our collective memory and knowledge, Room 8 wrote a Banana Pikelet recipe all by ourselves. The recipe turned out great. We made one small change because the consistency of the batter was too gloopy. We think it is important to have a recipe so that we don’t forget any important ingredients or steps. 

School Banana Pikelet Recipe 

Flour, Sugar, Eggs, Milk, Ripe Bananas, Butter 


Step 1) Measure 1 cup of flour and sift into a bowl. 
Step 2) Measure 3 Tsp (Table Spoons) sugar into the four. Step 3) Mix 1 egg into the bowl. 
Step 4) Measure 1/2 cup milk into the bowl. Mix! Mix! Mix! Step 5) Check the consistency! If it is too gloopy add 1/4 cup more milk! Mix! 
Step 6) Mash 1 large ripe banana with a fork (or 2 small school bananas). 
Step 7) Add banana to the bowl and mix. 
Step 8) Get an adult cook the pikelets in a frying pan! 

When they are cooked eat them carefully because they are hot. They are DELICIOUS!


  1. I got to try one and they were delicious!! Well done Room 8.

  2. great activity to get them involved in real life experience along with academic learning...lovin it!

  3. Zebby loved this and talks about it all the time at home and keeps asking when are we going to make banana pikelets!! thanks for this cool experience! xx
